After I finish lunch, Daddy & Mummy wave good bye to me & they are off to watch the 2.30pm Casino Royale. They didn't bring me as Mummy says the show is not suitable for me. So I stay at home with Por Por.
Daddy & Mummy are back around 5.30pm. Then an uncle comes by to deliver my baby crocs. Here I am modelling my crocs.

But as the crocs are still too big for me, Mummy says I have to wait for my little feet to grow bigger before I can wear them.
And last, but not least, Por Por told Mummy that my little tooth is coming out. She spotted it when I put her finger in my mouth & was considering whether to bite her or not. Mummy examined my teeth & realized that 2 teeth are coming out at the same time. They are the top left & right tooth on the side of my center 2 teeth. With these 2 teeth, I have a total of 6 teeth!