At the clinic, Mummy & Daddy waited on tenderhooks for their turn to see Dr Lim. When the moment of truth arrived, Dr Lim told Mummy and Daddy this, if the test was done with baby being 15+weeks, the baby is normal; but if the test was done with the baby being 16+ weeks, the chances of the baby having down syndrome is very high. Mummy asked if it would help if my conception date was used in the calculation, and Dr Lim said yes. Daddy & Mummy managed to narrow my conception date to Dec20-22. With those dates, Dr Lim calculated that I was 15+ weeks when Mummy did the tests. This is as opposed to Mummy last menstrual start date, which would indicate that I am 16+ weeks. Dr Lim explained the amniocentesis procedure to Mummy & Daddy. This procedure would be able to tell them if I was normal. But the test carried a 1 in 300 chance of a miscarriage after the test. Dr Lim also said that Mummy could wait for the 5th month detailed scan which would also help confirmed normacy. Mummy & Daddy was confident of my conception date, which would indicate that the tests were done in my 15+ weeks. And so Mummy opted not to do the test, to trust in the Lord that I would be fine and to wait for the 5th month detailed scan.
Daddy requested to visit me again. So here I am!

Mummy's blood test results below. The prenatal risk screening for down syndrome and neural tube defects report was sent back to the laboratory to be corrected.