Hence, we ended up in Dr Steven's clinic. While there, Dr Steven checked my temperature and pronounced me fine! As I was due to see Dr Steven on 11October for my 2nd hepatitis B vaccine, Dr Steven suggested that I take the jab today instead. Poor me! Because of Mummy's big boo boo today, I get jabbed instead! Hurmph! I didn't cry when I was jabbed, but I did fuss as I didn't like to be jabbed!
After getting jabbed, Mummy was instructed to monitor me in case I developed a fever. Isn't that ironical?? I was hauled to Dr Steven's clinic as Mummy thought I had a fever, but I didn't have one. But now, because of the hepatitis B vaccine, I may develop a fever instead.
By the grace of God, I did not develop a fever from the jab. Daddy was relieved that I was fine! And when he got back from work, he decided to indulge in his favourite past time, which was to snap pictures of me.