I will let the pictures do the rest of the talking too.

The birthday party decor

Outdoor decor

Token of appreciation for the guests attending my baby dedication
The card included in the gift pack
Artistic shots

When most of the guests had arrived, we started the baby dedication.Regina started by telling everyone the significance of the event.

The bulletin for the baby dedication & house blessing

Then we lifted up our voices in praise and worship onto God.

Everyone was provided with song lyrics.

After that, mummy proceeded to share the testimony on how my name Nicole, Xiu En came about.

Then it was time to hand me over to Pastor Wai Ling as a symbolic act of dedicating me to God.

I couldn't bear to leave daddy!

Daddy and Mummy proceeded to read the Parent's Covenant to dedicate me to God.

After that, Pastor Wai Ling asked Daddy & Mummy a couple of question. And at the end of it, Pastor Wai Ling presented Mummy with a certificate before returning me to Daddy.

My certificate of dedication

Then everyone stretched out their hands to pray for me. And that's the end of the baby dedication.

Next, it was onto the house blessing. Mummy shared the testimony on how the house was bought too. Then Daddy and Mummy proceeded to read the prayer of cleansing and dedication for the house.

After that, different people were assigned to pray for the different rooms. Daddy, Mummy and I proceeded upstairs with Pastor Wai Ling & Aunt Cindy to bless the rooms upstairs.

I adopted a serious look for the serious occassion

After the house blessing was over, Mummy got Aunt Bee Leng to say grace for the food.....and let the party begin!!

While waiting for my birthday dinner which mummy was cooking in the kitchen, I went into the play yard to play with my baby pals.

I'm so hungry...I can eat my play yard!!

Stop! If you don't come with food!!

The view through the balloons

My birthday dinner with elmo as entertainment.

Then it's time for the cake cutting!! Here's my Number 1 cake done in the Hugs & Stitches Girl theme with the words Nicole is 1

Mummy sets up & lights up the candle.

Everyone sings me a birthday song.

Then Daddy & Mummy helps me to blow out the candles.

Cake cutting time!!

After having cake, some of the guest left & the rest stayed to chit chat for a while. Pretty soon it was time for everyone to leave. As Mummy had hired a photographer for the occasion, she got him to take some family portraits for us.

The extended family, standing from left to right: Ye Ye, Mar Mar, Por Por, Kong Kong & Tai Yee.

Me & my paternal & maternal grandparents

Me & Tai Yee, Tai Pak arrives to take a picture with me too.

Then I get some solo shots of me taken too.

After all the pictures, it was time for me to bathe & sleep! I enjoyed my long birthday celebration today. Wonder what's in store for my next birthday. Until next year then, bye bye.