Hi, I'm Nicole. I want to share all of my exciting baby experiences with all of you.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Saturday, here we come again!
It's Saturday again. Here I am, all dressed up & ready to go. Go where?? You ask. I'm going out for lunch with Daddy & Mummy. We are going to the Yoyogi Robatayaki Japanese Restaurant at Robertson Walk. The food there are all grilled, so it is very healthy. We have lunch, then I decide to walk around the restaurant.
After lunch, I take my nap. When I wake up, I spent the rest of the afternoon playing at home & soon it is time for me to go for my play class @ the little gym.
After class, we cross over to Orchard Hotel Shopping Centre & have dinner at Tony Romas. Daddy & Mummy have ribs, while I have cheese macarone.
After dinner, Daddy & Mummy lets me walk around outside Tony Romas before we head home.
I am precious to my Daddy & Mummy! I am their bundle of joy but sometimes quite the opposite! My favourite characters are Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Scooterloo, Star Catcher, Rarity & Sky Wishes from My Little Pony. I like to watch My Little Pony & Little Einsteins too. I have been to Disneyland Anaheim, Hong Kong & Tokyo. My favourite food is chicken rice & chicken nuggets. My favourite drink is Macdonalds ice lemon tea.